First strategy

Below are basics steps that might be included in each strategy.

1. Preparations

At first one needs to prepare the workspace - load data and libraries

In [ ]:
# Import basic libraries.
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Import quantnet libraries.
import    as qndata
import qnt.stepper as qnstepper
import qnt.stats   as qnstats
import qnt.graph   as qngraph
import qnt.ta      as qnta # indicators library
import qnt.forward_looking as qnfl # forward looking checking

import datetime as dt
In [ ]:
# load historical data
data = qndata.load_data(
                       tail = dt.timedelta(days=4*365),
                       dims = ("time", "field", "asset"),

"data" is xarray.DataArray that contains stocks historical data. For instance, we want Apple stock open and close prices:

In [ ]:
apple_close = data.loc[::, "close", "NASDAQ:AAPL"]
apple_open = data.loc[::, "open", "NASDAQ:AAPL"]

display(apple_close.to_pandas()) # jupyter has a nice formatter for pandas series and dataframes
In [ ]:
# you can also work with pandas:
# apple_close = data.loc[::, "close", :].to_pandas()["NASDAQ:AAPL"]

Available data explanation is here. Some other data:

In [ ]:
all_close = data.loc[::, "close", :]
all_open = data.loc[::, "open", :]

# boolean parameter. True if the stock is in top 500 most liquid stocks over the last month
liquid = data.loc[::, "is_liquid", :]

2. Weights allocation

Suppose, we have a traiding idea - invest more if open price is low. This hypothesis can be expressed through the formula:


We can allocate capital by assigning weights to the portfolio instuments (more details):

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changes = qnta.change(all_close, 122)
weights = xr.where(changes > 0, 1, 0) # buy when price goes up, sell when price goes down

You can implement and test any idea you want. Some other examples:

In [ ]:
# buy all positions: weights = all_open/all_open
# sell all positions: weights = -all_open/all_open
# the more price change, the more we buy = (all_close - all_open)/all_open

Notice that we trade only liquid stocks. One can form output weights:

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output = weights*liquid
In [ ]:
# If you worked with pandas and weigths is pandas.Dataframe:
# output = xr.DataArray(weights.values, dims = ["time","asset"], coords= {"time":weights.index,"asset":weights.columns} )

Output normalization, weights sum for one day should be <= 1

In [ ]:
output = output / abs(output).sum('asset')

3. Perfomance estimation

Once we have constructed an algorithm we need to evaluate it. At first, we need to calculate statistic.

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# calc_stat calculate statistic on a relevenat time frame window
stat = qnstats.calc_stat(data, output)

Algorithm results, calculated on historical data, are usually presented on an equity graph in order to understand the behavior of the cumulative profit:

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# show plot with profit and losses:
performance = stat.to_pandas()["equity"]
qngraph.make_plot_filled(performance.index, performance, name="PnL (Equity)", type="log")

We use a set of criteria to evaluate the performance. You can submit your algorithm and take part in a competition if it passes all the requirements.

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# Actual sharpe on a relevant timeframe. 
# According to the rules the Sharpe ratio must be greater than 1:
display(stat[-1:].sel(field = ["sharpe_ratio"]).transpose().to_pandas())
In [ ]:
# According to the rules the correlation with other strategies must be less than 90%:
qnstats.print_correlation(output, data)

4. Submit

If you are satisfied enough with your algorithm and it passes all the requirements you can submit it.

In [ ]:
# Finally, write the output

At this stage the code is ready for submission. Just click on the submission button in your account page and we will evaluate your strategy live on our servers!